quick mood boosters
1. drink a glass of warm water
2. go out for a walk. find a lake or a river to be around. or walk up a little hill
3. write down a list of things you are grateful for. things you are glad happened to you. people you are glad to have in your life. experiences you are glad to have been through, regardless of the outcome
4. rant to someone. anything that is on your mind
5. if you can't find someone to rant, write it down in a journal. or type it on your notes
6. meditate. just keep sitting there until you feel more calm. it's gonna be tough as shit. but if you can sit it through, you will feel better
7. go for a jog. sweat it out. you feel a little less like shit when you're too busy trying to catch your breath
8. go to sleep earlier. even if you're not tired. especially if you're not tired. just close your eyes and lie down. you don't have to pressure yourself to fall asleep
9. lie down and close your eyes. listen to some beats. or an album you really like
10. tidy your room. throw away things you don't need. wipe things. vacuum the floor
11. take a walk and listen to a podcast
12. pets. pets make you feel better
13. hit up a friend and go to their house and watch tv
14. catch the sunset. just. look at the sky, man
15. drive to a big supermarket and walk around. buy a kitkat or something
16. read a book from the start to the end (stop checking your phone)
17. write a letter to someone. or a post card
18. hugs. hugs make everything better
19. take deep breaths. lots of them
20. put away your phone. stay away from screens for awhile. imagine it's 1995. what did we used to do in our free time?
what else will you add? comment below
double the fun, bring your pet for a drive. you get to calm your nerves and your pets’ nerves as well.
thought of an even better combo. coffee + pets + drive = perfect.
My ultimate mood booster is singing. As loud as I can, no matter if it sounds really good or not. I can just let everything out
Walking in big supermarkets does make me feel better, especially when it has air conditioning. I didn’t think anyone could relate, but what do you know!
Thank you, Ron.
click pretty pictures of random things; eat a fruit;
Thank God i have my number 4 right now. Its really good to have a go to person that is always willing to listen.
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