what is the point of trying?
what is the point of trying?
I hear people say this a lot. including me
what is the point of trying something you know you are not very good at? there are so many other people much better than you at it. you are going to fail in the end anyway
yes. that is true
and no.
you don't try because you think you are going to succeed right away
you try because that's what you need to do to be slightly better at the thing you wanna do
think about this.
what is the point of going to school? specifically – higher education. like getting a degree
you want to learn, educate yourself, be better at what you do, blah blah blah
but most importantly, you do it for the money.
having a degree will allow you to make more money than without, when you get a job eventually
so you put yourself through school. countless of hours of studying. doing things you hate doing. like memorising the whole textbook. but you do it. because that's what you gotta do to get there
so think about this.
do you get paid immediately to score well for that exam?
do you get paid immediately for all those hours you put in to study?
because it doesn't work like that.
it takes time. to try. before you get there eventually
you probably don't even understand half the shit you're studying for the first year or two. but eventually you start to know more and understand it better
that's the same concept with life.
you hold yourself back from trying because you're afraid you won't get it right the first time
and you know what? you're right
you are not going to get it right the first time
just like you don't graduate with a degree after you pass your first test
the whole point of trying is to be better than who you were without trying
and maybe with enough tries, you will eventually be good at it
but it takes time. and a lot of tries
Loved it
This is exactly what I needed today. Thank you.
People don’t try, because they think too much. "What if… " – is usually the begining of these thoughts. As only you want to start doing something, this fucking idea appears in your mind. And you are afraid of being hilarious or clumsy, you are afraid to fall… But it is the biggest mistake you can ever make. It is not so terrible to fail, the much more terrible is never try
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Thank you Ron for existing and for sharing content.
I just had the thought of "what’s the point of trying cuz so many ppl are way more better than me’ and your email came just at the right time, and I’m glad cuz I need it, thank youuuu
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